Getting MATIC Tokens from CoinBase to MetaMask

Buying MATIC on CoinBase

Transferring ERC-20 MATIC to KuCoin

In order to save moving MATIC from Ethereum to Polygon blockchain using a bridge (for advanced users), we recommend using KuCoin. It's quick to create an account and once you have completed that, you want to find and retrieve your MATIC wallet address to send your MATIC from Coinbase to KuCoin. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Enter your Main Account on KuCoin

Step 2: Search for MATIC and Click "Deposit"

Step 3: Select "Ethereum Network" (Not Polygon)

Coinbase works with MATIC exclusive on the Ethereum Network (please read their page)

Paste the address to the recipient in Coinbase and send the MATIC

Transferring MATIC on KuCoin to MetaMask on Polygon Mainnet

First, if you already have MetaMask, you can add Polygon Network to you MetaMask wallet by going to and adding the Polygon Network to your MetaMask wallet

Next is to go into your MetaMask wallet and copy your wallet address and paste into the recipient wallet in KuCoin

Go back to your main account on KuCoin. Search for MATIC and click "Withdrawal"

The you paste your MetaMask wallet address, select "MATIC Network" and confirm the amount you want to send over

And then your MATIC tokens should appear in your MetaMask wallet. All clear to buy PFAN tokens and stake for PFAN.

Last updated